The ultimate in caring and love.

Welcome to Houston Cherry Eye

Low cost. Over 30 years of veterinarian experience.

What is Cherry Eye?

Cherry eye is a very common condition where the nictating membrane of a dog's eye swells, creating an unsightly blob of pink tissue in the inner corner of the eye. The cause is largely unknown but is believed to be caused by infection.

How do we fix Cherry Eye?

The only way to properly treat cherry eye is through surgery.  There are two surgeries that are available.  One is to "tuck" the cherry eye blob back under the lower eyelid.  This is the new modern way, and many Vets are taught this is the only way to do it properly.  The other way is to simply remove the cherry eye blob.  This is the method used for many years and it was very successful.  This method is quicker and much, much cheaper.  This is the method we use.

Many people simply cannot afford the "tuck" procedure as its average cost in the Houston area is around $1500.00.  per eye.    Our removal method cost $250.00. per eye.
You will not get lower quality just because you are saving money.

Why do most vets prefer the more expensive method?   They are taught in school that the removal method can cause KCS, a condition where later in life the dog produces less tears and will need eye drops.
Our clinic has been removing cherry eyes for over 40 years and has never seen one case of dry eye in any of our dogs, not once.  Our doctor would not hesitate to remove a cherry eye in his own dogs as he believes it is very safe.

Unlike the "tuck" procedure, which can fail and needs to be redone, the removal method has never come back in our clinic.  Not once.

Please note:  if you can afford the "tuck" procedure and you are worried about dry eye, we suggest you go to a clinic that tucks the eye.  However, please note that "tucks" are not perfect, and many tucks  can come undone, and if they do you must pay to have them tucked again.  So there is no perfect solution.

Again, having done thousands of cherry eye surgeries our clinic gets nothing except great results, the dog looks normal the same day of surgery and we have never had dry eye complications.  So if you cannot afford the "tuck" and you want an alternative, our method speaks for itself.

Our doctor graduated in the upper 10% of his medical school class and we feel our knowledge and experience is second to none.

Let Houston Cherry Eye handle this delicate matter for you.

About Us

We are open everyday except Tuesday!

  • Monday
    08:00am - 03:00pm
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
    10:00am - 08:00pm
  • Thursday - Friday
    03:00pm - 08:00pm
  • Saturday
    08:00am - 03:00pm
  • Sunday
    10:00am - 03:00pm

Need to speak to us?

Give us a call or send us an email. We will be sure to answer absolutely any questions you might have about your dog or the procedure.

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