Cherry Eye Removal

We have been performing cherry eye surgeries for over 40 years.


Our prices are among the lowest in Texas

Any size dog is $250 per eye
(Does not include required $35 eye drops)

Here are some of our actual patients.

The after pictures were taken 5 minutes after surgery and as you can see the dog has normal appearing eyes immediately. Another amazing fact is that with our method the  cherry has never been known to return, unlike the "Tuck" method, which can return and need another surgery.





Disclaimer on Cherry Eye Surgeries:

Many Veterinarians will tell you that the removal of  cherry eyes (which we perform) can cause a condition called KCS or dry eye later on in life where the eye does not produce enough tears and may require a treatment.  
Our  clinic has been removing cherry eyes for 40 years and we can honestly state we have not had one client later complain of their dog developing dry eye.  We have easily done over one thousand surgeries in that time, including removing "tucked" cherry eyes from other clinics where the tuck came undone. Again, tucks come undone more than most vets would like to admit.
The eye of the dog gets its tears from many different glands all around the eye, so removal of the cherry eye seldom causes ill effects.  Remember, a cherry eye is a swollen, compromised gland, and even though it is tucked (which is the expensive surgery many vets advocate) is still may not produce normal amount of tears.
In any event, if you are the slightest bit worried about dry eye, then by all means go to a different clinic that "tucks" the eye.  
Even though we have never seen dry eye after our cherry eye removals, our observations are not research quality facts, so take our advice with your own degree of  caution.

Dr. J Michael Revere DVM, owner

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We are open everyday except Tuesday!

  • Monday

    08:00am – 03:00pm

  • Tuesday


  • Wednesday

    10:00am – 08:00pm

  • Thursday - Friday

    03:00pm – 08:00pm

  • Saturday

    08:00am – 03:00pm

  • Sunday

    10:00am – 03:00pm

Need to speak to us?

Give us a call or send us an email. We will be sure to answer absolutely any questions you might have about your dog or the procedure.

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